
repurposed ribbon storage

In projects + tutorials on 01/05/2010 at 12:18 pm


I would not venture to guess how many cups of chamomile tea I drink in a week’s time. But I do know that I have less spools of tangled ribbon cluttering up my workspace than I had a week ago. Each tea box comfortably holds six average sized spools and the pre-cut slot for dispensing tea works like a charm. The best part is that a thumb tack pushed through the back side allows me to mount them on the bulletin board above the sewing table. Thank you, Stash Tea!

If my blogroll’s disappearance escaped your notice, don’t fret. I was half hoping you wouldn’t. My weekend decision to vaporize it was filled with trepidation over how the act might be perceived so I’ll take a moment here to explain. First, let me begin by saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional list of linky love but lately I’ve noticed that everyone’s lists are beginning to look exactly the same and have grown so long. My list was no different. Then I started thinking about some of my favorite new reads and how I discovered them. As I went through the list, I realized that many of them are people who have taken time to  introduce themselves here and I want you to meet them too. So in lieu of the traditional blogroll, check out the revolving list of “regulars” in the header. They’re a creative bunch!

tutorial archives

| days of doing one thing = 8 |


  1. ummm. . .where did you get your sewing table? i’m looking for one just like that to mount my machine on!

  2. Hello! I am just finding your lovely spot here and wanted to say Hi!

  3. I love this idea. Brilliant! I will have to send you a picture of my current organizing “system” (laughable really) for ribbons

  4. Thank You for answering my email about blogging and cameras. You gave me plenty of links to dive into and great insight into how you approach your blog. I think the tea box is a sweet idea and so simple to pull off. Thank You for the inspiration.

  5. I took my “blogroll” list off my blog a while back. It may seem weird but I didn’t want anyone to feel “left out”. Does that make any sense at all? anyhow. I’m glad to be a “regular”. I love coming here.

  6. oh my, i just discovered this on flicr… and had to come over and take a “closer” look! fabulous!! absolutely!! your blog is awessome1 i love it! happy new year! Kim

    • Kim, thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to stop and introduce yourself. I’m afraid I’ve gotten a bit behind in my blog-hopping the last day or so but I look forward to visiting you as well. Happy New Year to you too!

  7. love your photos and your workspace looks awesome.
    afraid i won’t get a teabox like that here, even the flavour chamomile is out of reach for me here but i’ll keep this neat ribbon storage idea in mind.

  8. love this idea for ribbons, glad I saw on the SS flickr group, I had forgotten I wanted to join in your childhood project. Thank you for the inspiration found here.

  9. Oooh, I love this idea! And seeing your sewing area is just the motivation I needed to reclaim my own sewing space, which is absolutely buried in pattern pieces, disorganized fabric scraps, etc. Lovely.

    By the way, I just discovered your blog yesterday from Ohdeedoh — I’m going to have such fun reading your archives! 🙂

  10. Gina, this is a fabulous idea with the ribbon and empty tea box! I love it! I don’t sew, but if I did, I’d do the same thing 🙂 I also love your sewing machine cabinet. It’s so beautiful.

    I feel honored to be on your “regulars” list. Thank you!
    Have a great day 🙂

  11. That is such a great idea! I love reusing things. I just started getting into tea, so I’ll have to keep my eye out for boxes like this! So cute 🙂

  12. I’m dumb, I don’t see the “regulars” thingy. Where?

    Also, this is beyond awesome. I have so many half-used spools of ribbon, and I go through way too much tea. This is perfect! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Never mind, I found it. 🙂

  14. very cool idea for storing ribbon! beautiful pictures as well

  15. Great idea! I love repurposing tea boxes. I certainly generate enough of them myself, lol.

  16. This is flippin’ brilliant! I can’t wait to get home now. 🙂

  17. what clever ideas!! I love the ribbons.

    I have to admit that i find the blogroll idea a really good one. Mine never reflects what i am reading at the minute.

  18. I want your desk and everything on it! It’s gorgeous! The ribbon storage is really creative, love that too 🙂

    I think the regulars is a clever idea, I’m off to check yours out now

  19. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Love your header photo by the way!

  20. This is so clever! I love it. I too, love chamomile tea. I usually buy it in bulk, but I think I will go out and look for this brand of tea, so I can organize my ribbon stash like you. Thanks for a great idea!

  21. Great organization idea.

  22. Oooh, what a great idea! I never would have thought that it would be the same size as ribbons.. Hmmm, I’ll have to keep this in mind next time we empty a box!

  23. well that is just about the most brilliant thing i’ve seen in a long time. thanks for the inspiration!!

  24. Really cool. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  25. i am happy to have just come here and read your last few posts. i am hooked on your blog now! and i’m drinking chamomile, while i read.

  26. love love love this!! fabulous idea : )

  27. Love the idea for the ribbon. I have been looking for away to store mind, thanks for the idea.

  28. Wow, that might be the coolest organizational tip I have ever seen. I think that I just may good and put all my tea into a jar, just so that I can use the boxes 🙂

  29. My goodness, what a lovely refreshing blog you have. I am so glad my daughter sent your site to me. You really are quite inspiring and it’s so bright and happy here. I see I have lots of interesting reading to do. Very pretty idea with your ribbons and your creative space is so neat and organized. Keep doing what you are doing….your photos are lovely and your words….so positive!

  30. You are so smart! I just found a ribbon shelf with dowel rods at Michael’s. Twas half price too!! I was able to hang it up so all my ribbon is in sight. Weeded through and gave away what I will never use too.

  31. Oh, my goodness. You are GENIUS!

  32. sigh… what a beautiful, clean, uncluttered sewing space. Sadly my sewing machine is buried under post holiday crafting madness mess… I think it would hate me if it saw how other machines are so nicely treated…

    Your ribbon storage is inspiring and can be a small step for me to unbury my sad sewing area 🙂

  33. this is such a brilliant storage solution! Love it. and so happy to find your blog.

  34. Just found your blog & am in love. 2 projects on my list of to-dos already.

    Great idea here! I am always reusing things in our house. Lately it’s been coffee cans. We go through plenty of tea in this house, too, so this will be next!

  35. this is brilliant. i have had “build ribbon storage dispenser for the studio” on my to-do list for the last 18 months. now i can just pin it up on my bulletin board! yay! (and i am a two cup/day tea drinker so double yay!)

    funny thing about blogrolls – i have been bouncing around ideas for how to manage mine lately – started trimming it up but then felt a bit bad about it. not sure what i will end up with. oh well 🙂

  36. […] going to investigate the environmental toothbrush from Dr Nat! And I liked this sweet idea by Bright and Blithe for keeping ribbons neat and […]

  37. I love ribbon too. Here’s the organizer I’m using now… maybe I need to drink more tea, though.


  38. Just wanted to let you know I blogged about your brilliant idea here: http://desireefawn.blogspot.com/2010/01/simple-ribbon-solution.html
    Much love!

  39. […] No Sugar But Ribbons With My Tea Turn your tea boxes into cool ribbon dispensers. Each tea box comfortably holds six average sized spools. Instructions here. […]

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