
no-sew fabric bunting

In handmade, projects + tutorials on 12/05/2009 at 7:00 am

I’ve been quite smitten with all the colorful buntings that seem to be popping up everywhere. It’s such a fun way to add a splash of color. Only problem is that even though I love sewing as much as the next person, my time at the machine is very limited. Still, I wanted a cloth bunting for her “big girl room”. Paper just would not do so I put my thinking cap on and came up with an alternative. This no-sew fabric bunting  is so simple, and apart from one step, can be done just about anywhere.

1. Assemble your supplies:
 – assortment of colorful cotton fabrics (this is a great stash-buster)
 – narrow polyester ribbon
 – pinking shears
 – stapler
 – hot glue gun
 – iron

2. Determine the length of your bunting. Be sure to allow extra ribbon at both ends for fastening. Cut your ribbon accordingly.

3. Using pinking shears, cut out your flags. If you like you can create a paper template to get perfect triangles but I chose to free-hand mine because I didn’t want them to be exactly perfect. Once you cut out the first one, you can lay it on top of your uncut fabrics to use as a template.

4. Once you have all of your flags cut, lay them face-down in a straight line, top corners slightly overlapping, in the order you want them to hang. Lay your ribbon on top of them, along the top edge, also facing downward. Beginning at one end of the ribbon, insert three staples across the top of each flag to secure it to the ribbon.

5. When all your flags are secured, fold each one back, over the ribbon, and press flat with a warm iron.

6. Lift each flag (as shown above) and add a few TINY drops of hot glue on the inside of each fold (I put mine on the top of each staple), using your fingers to gently press it down until it sticks. Be careful not to use too much glue, as it may show through.

Hang and enjoy!

More tutorials, d.i.y. projects, and printables here.

UPDATE: You can see the finished nursery here.


UPDATE: 1.12.2010:giveaway

  1. I found your website through the Sew Mama Sew giveaway page and while I have decided not to enter your giveaway (I don’t quilt and I am sure many others could use that bit of fabric much better than I.), I just want to let you know that you are fabulous. The poetry mixed in with the crafts and recipes makes me feel snuggly. 🙂 (Now if I only had a cup of tea around here….) Thanks for a bright stop in my day!

    • oh, chrissy, thank you so much for your kind words. you made my day! sometimes it feels like my posts sort of vaporize into thin air and my favorite thing about blogging is meeting my readers, so thank you so much for taking time to introduce yourself. i hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. kismet I tell you! you found me and I came here and I love it! just yesterday I was oohing and aahing over buntings and even contemplated buying one. now I can make one!!! thank you.

    p.s. I totally know the feeling that posts vaporize into thin air. keep up the sharing and writing, readers are here. some people don’t comment a lot (me=guilty) which makes blogging feel a little lonely sometimes. your blog is beautiful.

  3. Very cute idea! The bunting reminds me of Tibetan prayer flags.

  4. I like this because you get in very little time a great result and I LOVE , absolutley adore buntings!!

  5. Anything that involves the words bunting and no sew is for me. Love.

  6. Oh my goodness these are so cute. I think mini ones would look fantastic wrapped around a Christmas tree.

  7. Amazingly cute and such good directions too! Thank you for sharing your ideas and life with us. Have a beautiful day!

  8. […] and blithe and includes a tutorial. (Gina’s been busy!– Check out her design board, no-sew fabric bunting & washable pet bed […]

  9. […] pennants or banners immediately gives a fairground feel to an occasion. You can make your own (with no sewing necessary!) or buy them premade from Etsy or Folksy. The buntings pictured are from Funky Shique and  Kate […]

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