
one thing: the beginning

In things pondered on 12/31/2009 at 12:55 pm

Today is the third day.  
Not the third day of the week, the month, or the year.
Not the third day of anything that is on anyone else’s calendar.
It’s the third day of doing one thing.

One thing to pound the stiffness out of these joints.
One thing to make me stand a bit taller.
One thing to make these arms a bit stronger.

It does not have to be predetermined, or perfectly executed.
It is not an item on my to-do list, a task, or a chore.
It is a privilege, an opportunity, and a gift.

A gift to the One who gave me breath.
A gift to the ones I love the most.
A gift to myself.

I am not looking back with regret.
I am not looking forward with timidity.
I am focused on today – On doing just one thing.

365 days from this day, the clock will strike midnight once again. When you get that kiss, pop the cork, and glance over the confetti on your shoulder at a year gone by, what do you hope to see? Today, do one thing to make that thing a possibility. Tomorrow, when you wake up, do one thing more.

days of one thing = 3  |  days of nothing = 0

  1. Beautiful picture and beautiful words.
    You have inspired me deeply. Thanks you!
    Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.

  2. What a wonderful way to welcome the new year– and a perfect reminder, because girl I am SORE from “one thing” yesterday!

  3. one thing. good. lot’s of one things added up over a course of a year. very good.

  4. WOW, that was just beautiful. I am in the process of making my own resolutions. Thank you for this.

  5. Beautiful words…..and what a beautiful blog you have! Happy new year to you!

  6. How I try to live in the present, to live each day as if it were my last – I guess it takes a lifetime to master that 🙂

    Happy New year – all the way from France!

  7. stopping by via the blankie chronicles…

    thank you so much for this. it’s just what i needed to read today!

    you have a beautiful blog.


  8. you’ve stated the point so well. just one thing that matters each day amounts to a lot for the whole year. and one thing can mean so much.
    thank you and have a nice new year’s day.

  9. I love this entry! To focus on “one thing” is a great idea! After all, life is a culmination of moments, not just one big lump at the end. This is good. You’ve removed the complications from the ordinary in exchange for the simple in extraordinary. It looks like a great new year!

    • Darlene, your work is absolutely breathtaking. I will be visiting you again to linger over life as you have so beautifully captured it. Thank you so much for commenting and taking time to introduce yourself.

  10. YOur look on life is wonderful…

    I am going to follow you and suppose to be totally inspired.


    • Claudia, I am humbled by your kind words. Thank you for taking a moment to stop and introduce yourself. You are a very gifted photographer. I enjoyed my visit. Blessings on your new year.

  11. love this one thing!

  12. I like your day of 1 thing scoring system. Truly that’s a great way to deal with it because as the score rises and the day’s of nothing falls – we truly feel like we are moving forward.
    Thanks for your wisdom

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